Think through more what I want to put on local network server to be accessed for final project. Put some sort of tracker, quote, and better UI for the webpage. Look into placing forms and permission to be accessed locally.
Materials and software
Rasberry Pi Pico H
Setting up server
The biggest problem I am running into throughout this process is building small on the micro controller
On the THonny Package manager it says I can install flask to build my webpage, but then there is an error on one of the dependenices
The next thing I am gonna try is running microserver library which seems more tailored to micropython env
I want to get the different modules up and running for the site and then see if there is something I could do with permissions
Library issues
Quote module
I was able to use a previous quote module that I built earlier
I want to investigate how to make the quote auto change every 24 hours
I need to figure out how it can be manually changed as well as automatically changed
Excel/table sheet module
Trying to get my own dynamic table to work with minimal packages even with chatgpt did not go well
The new plan is to learn how to use google api to enable google sheets to be used as a database
The first obstacle I am running into is security and permissions
It first has me saving my google credentials in a json file, but I wanted to use google api which is less secure
I have now realized that there are only 800 kb of memory on the pico so I am going to have to use a different microcontroller/ figure out how to use the sd card
Lack of storage
I see this as a place where anyone can place improtant or interesting snippets for people to read
Tried getting a form going where people could post to the news, but I am running into the same problem as the table
Will have to investigate more low fidelity ways to get this to work
I am hoping to just call google calendar api in order to port over that calendar for everyone to be able to change it separately and it updates
Google makes this incredibly easy and is just one line of code which is great
Permission and editing
For safety reasons you would not want everyone to be able to update all modules whenever
I need to investigate how can only certain people can make changes - i am thinking of having a password.
This is not a huge concern right now because there are no interactive parts really, but I want to have it in mind for the future
Final thoughts
I am going to have to use a different microcontroller because of the lack of storage most likely
This was a combined project with assignment 3 which was to just get a microcontroller to do anything
I learned a lot more of what the capabilities of the pico are and how that should have to factor into my final project
It does very well for calling apis and running super low level code, but it is not great for running a server